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Dawat Cafe & Restaurant

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Our Story

E very time a customer enters Savor Spot Restaurant, my goal as owner is to give them an unforgettable eating experience. It's a simple yet profound idea. What we serve is more than just food; it is culinary art that delights the senses and makes memories that will last a lifetime. Our guests are welcomed with genuine hospitality the moment they step foot in our restaurant, laying the foundation for an unforgettable dining experience.

Naturally, there will be challenges, just like there would be with any project. I have had my share of challenges as a new owner in this competitive field. There have been many ups and downs along the way, but ultimately, we have succeeded in navigating the complexity of financial management, constructing a solid team, and generating a devoted client base. But we've made it through each obstacle, stronger and more resilient than before, because we were tenacious and determined.

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Our chefs

Mark Angelila

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Angel Meskat

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Jon Doe

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Angel Di Maria

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Park Ji Sung

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Recieved first day first reservation

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Home to get your home delevery ?

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Restaurant welcome day meetup

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